100 Little Ways to Bless Others*

“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye meet withal, it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:38

For the Elderly

  1. Go visit them, talk with them, and just listen
  2. Bake them a special treat
  3. Take them grocery shopping
  4. Read to them from the Bible or a favorite book
  5. Sing or play music
  6. Watch their favorite show with them
  7. Ask them about the things they love to talk about
  8. Bring them an animal to pet and cuddle
  9. Help them with household chores
  10. Bring them flowers
  11. Help with yard work (mowing, raking leaves, shoveling snow, etc.)
  12. Take them to a Doctors appointment

For Your Family

  1. Offer to help a sibling with something today
  2. Chat with your mom
  3. Give a hug
  4. Say “I love you”
  5. Clean up after a meal (if this isn’t your job already)
  6. Make a family member’s favorite meal or dessert
  7. Write a thank you note or appreciation letter to leave on their pillow
  8. Buy them something they have been wanting
  9. Deliver breakfast in bed
  10. Leave a surprise note on the bathroom mirror

At Church

  1. Smile at everyone
  2. Say hello to visitors
  3. Sit with someone who is by them self (or ask them to sit with you)
  4. Pray with someone who needs it
  5. Ask for prayer requests
  6. Offer a listening ear
  7. Exort and encourage
  8. Remeber things: names, prayer requests, favorite things
  9. Chat with the elderly
  10. Hold a mother’s baby so she can chat with others
  11. Play with little children to keep them out of mischief
  12. Give a hug to a struggling girl
  13. Pick up and throw away any trash
  14. Notice who is missing and give them a call, send a text, or give a note
  15. Bring a snack to class (if approved by the teacher)
  16. Pray for the Pastor before, during, and after the preaching
  17. Thank your Pastor and his family
  18. Invite your church family into your home
  19. Share books and godly music
  20. Remember birthdays
  21. Sing or play music
  22. Help in a class
  23. Volunteer to work in the nursery
  24. Get involved with other ministries during the week
  25. Help clean the church
  26. Tithe
  27. Give during a special offering
  28. Thank the pianist
  29. Hold the hymnbook for a small child or elderly person
  30. Listen to the special music, and thank those who share it

At Work

  1. Ask your boss what more you can do to help
  2. Bring a treat for your coworkers
  3. Share your faith
  4. Be positive and grateful – don’t be the complaining one
  5. Stop the gossip
  6. Thank your boss or coworkers
  7. Be willing to lend a helping hand
  8. Go the extra mile

With Your Writing

  1. Write a thank you note
  2. Write a letter to someone “just because”
  3. Write out Bible verses and give them away
  4. Email a friend just to check up on her
  5. Write an encouragement letter for someone who needs it
  6. Send a text to a friend and let them know you are praying for them
  7. Write Scripture on post it notes and place them in public places (use discretion)
  8. Write Bible verses on cards to place in library books
  9. Give a card to a little child
  10. Write a poem for someone

Out and About

  1. Smile and say hello to others
  2. Give up a parking space for someone else
  3. Pay for someone else’s meal
  4. Be kind and patient towards your waiter
  5. Leave a generous tip with a gospel tract
  6. Hold the door for others
  7. Let someone else go in line ahead of you
  8. Share coupons at the store
  9. Pick up things that have fallen off the shelves
  10. Be kind and patient towards the cashier
  11. Say “thank you”
  12. Give a stranger a sincere compliment
  13. Put extra change in a parking meter
  14. Pick up trash
  15. Wave others on at a stop sign


  1. Give away things you don’t need or use
  2. Treat someone to ice cream
  3. Let others borrow your things (and understand they may not return it)
  4. Walk your neighbors dog
  5. Give homemade baked goods to your neighbors
  6. Offer to take a meal to a new mom or someone who is sick
  7. Be a mentor
  8. Teach something
  9. Donate blood
  10. Send someone flowers
  11. Give someone a basket of fresh fruit
  12. Give money anonymously
  13. Be quick to offer encouragement
  14. Give someone a gift card to their favorite store or restaurant
  15. Always choose kindness

“…he that watereth shall be watered also himself.” Proverbs 11:25

*These ideas and suggestions came from https://moreradiance.com/100-little-ways-bless-others