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Prayer is hard work. Persistent prayer is even harder. Since it is a spiritual battle with a lot of opposition, it is easy to get worn out and give up. Jesus taught this on multiple occasions (Luke 11 & 18, Matt. 26:41). It is important to find a prayer family to pray for you and with you. We are inviting you to visit our online missional prayer families. We believe that you will be blessed by us and that we will be blessed by you. Let's help each other just like Aaron and Hur helped Moses (Exodus 17:12).

Online Gatherings

Streets of Prayer
Mon - Thu (6:00 - 7:00 AM EDST)

I (Akie Hadeed) host this prayer gathering every Monday and Wednesday. I would love for you to join us.

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Renewal Collective
Monday (12:00 - 1:00 PM EDST)

Meeting ID: 425 882 0741
Passcode: prayer
Dial Passcode: 459266

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Thursday (7:00 - 7:30 AM EDST)

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Tabernacle World Prayer Center
Friday (6:00 - 7:00 AM EDST)

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We want the Holy Spirit to transform us, our families, our churches, our communities and our world.  
10 minutes - Praise

5 minutes - Scripture

15 minutes - Kingdom focused prayer

30 minutes - Personal prayer and sharing

More Prayer Families

No commitment is required. Come when you can and stay as long as you can. There is no expectation for you to pray or turn on audio/video. If you choose to pray then we request that you to pray in agreement with our Statement of Faith.

Contact us at pray@streetsofprayer.org with any questions or comments.